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Love Crawl Showdown Results

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Our February Crawling Competition!

To change things up for this crawling competition, we modified the gates on our Bryce Course and combined Little Sahara with our Uintas course. Competitors tackled three courses, with their final score being the sum of their best performances across all three.

We welcomed 18 competitors and were supported by family and friends spectating the competition.

In Class 1, we had 7 competitors; Class 2 had 10 competitors, and Class 3 had 3 competitors. We had a couple competing in multiple classes, which is why the total doesn’t add up to 18.


One challenge of having multiple courses was the difficulty in tracking individual scores per course. Our original scoreboard only displayed the total score. This time, however, we also included track times for each course. This additional data was well received, as participants appreciated being able to see their performance on each course.

And the winners are...

Class 1: Marty Bleggi
Class 2: Cody Cook
Class 3: Marshal 

Congratulations to the winners! In this competition, we implemented a 5-minute time limit for the Sahara & Uintas course, as well as the Moab course. Due to its larger size, the Bryce course had a 6-minute time limit. We determined this time limit based on previous competition averages, which were around 5 minutes and 30 seconds. A few competitors timed out and received a DNF (Did Not Finish). If a participant’s time was just over the limit, we allowed some flexibility since we don’t always stop the timer precisely.


We received prizes from TerraTech, West Valley Hobbies, and SLOREX. Thank you sponsors for enhancing our comps!

Since prizes vary, we implemented a raffle-style system (inspired by Micro Crawler Club Comp). Each participant receives 1 ticket. 1st place gets 8 extra tickets, 2nd gets 5 extra, and 3rd gets 3 extra. We input all names into a website with a spin wheel and gave away 6 prizes.

Prize winners:

  1. TerraTech tabletop obstacle – Nash Hendry
  2. SLOREX Tickets (2) – Van DeWitt
  3. SLOREX Tickets (2) – Mike Poulson
  4. Tires from WV Hobbies – Cody Cook
  5. LGRP Wheels – William
  6. Treal Wheels – Heston Jenson
Only Nash, William and Heston were there until the end so will need to get the other winners their prizes.

Special Thanks!

Thank you to our Judges! Makes the competition run smoother and get everyone through the courses faster. 
Marshal, Carlos, Angel, and Nash – Thank you!